
Ein Überblick über unsere Abgeschlossen Projekte

Wir haben eine Vielzahl von Projekten in verschiedenen Branchen wie IoT, Consumer Electronics, Automative, Industrial Control und Avionik durchgeführt.
Wir verfügen über ein reiches Erbe an gelieferten Projekten und zufriedenen Kunden.
GPS and Laser System

GPS and Laser System for Geological Sensing

Satellite Communication for UAV

Satellite Communication for UAS/UAV Applications

Software for High Reliability Battery Management System for Industrial Applications

Wearable Electronics

Sensor Hardware for Industrial Wearables Electronics using BLE

Pipe Leak Detection

Industrial IoT Sensor Signal Conditioning and Monitoring for Pipe Leak Detection

Pharmaceutical Applications

Dissolution Testers for Pharmaceutical Manufacturers

Human Fitness Analyzer

Human Vigilance and Fitness Analyzer based on Pupil Diameter Detection using Infrared Camera

Flight Control and Collision Detect

Flight Controller and Collision Detection Circuit

Automatic Auxiliary Entertainment System

Electronic Design of Automotive Auxiliary Entertainment System

High Resolution Pressure Sensor

Embedded System for High Resolution Pressure Sensors

Sports Applications

Portable Sensor Systems for Sports Applications

Home Automation

Porting of Zigbee Bridge Firmware to ESP32 for Home Automation Application

Quantum Sensing

Very Low Noise DC-DC Converter for Quantum Sensing Application

Wireless Cat Tracking and Training

Wireless Cat Tracking and Training Application using LoraWAN

Laser Based Hair Removal System

Firmware Management and Maintenance for Laser based Hair Removal System

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German Mittelstand und EU Small & Medium Enterprises

Universitäre Forschungsgruppen

ESA & EXIST-geförderte Startups

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